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Pet Sitter

Help the pet sitter care for your favourite animal.

Hear a sample of Pet Sitter

"Alexa, open My Pet Guide."

Alexa: Hello, and thanks for your help. The owner created this personal skill to make it easier to care for their pet. If you have any questions while you're here, just ask. [...] What would you like?

"Emergency contacts?"

Alexa: Here's contact info for Petersham Hospital Vet - 9560 5255. What else would you like to know?

####How to create 1. Fill in your pet's daily habits and needs 2. Enter answers to any common questions 3. Provide contact info for your vet, neighbours, or favorite pet store 4. Pick a name for your skill ####How to use Teach your sitter to open this skill on your home devices. Provide them with a list of questions Alexa can answer about your pet. They can ask Alexa about: * Daily schedules * Allergies and medications * Where to find things * How to do things * Emergency contact information