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Help your babysitter find things, remember steps, and get important info.

Hear a sample of Babysitter

"Alexa, open My Babysitter."

Alexa: Hey there, you can ask me about how things work, where to find things, or emergency contacts. How can I help you?

"Where are the nappies?"

Alexa: Under the change table. What else would you like to know?

####How to create 1. Fill in your child's daily schedules and needs 2. Enter answers to your babysitter's common questions 3. Provide key contact info 4. Pick a name for your skill ####How to use Teach your babysitter how to open this skill on your home devices. Provide them with a list of questions Alexa can answer. They can ask about: * Daily schedules * Allergies and medications * Where to find things * How to do things * Emergency contact information